Empowering Christian Women to Find Clarity, Purpose, and God's Voice

If you are a professional Christian woman in your 40s or 50s who struggles with anxiety and overwhelm, chronic health issues, or lack of purpose, you're in the right place.

The Awaken Your Heart Method

Four Pathways to Transformational Healing

12-Week Intensive

Individualized Coaching

This path includes an in-person onboarding session in addition to online videos, daily journal assignments, access to the Awaken Your Heart App, and weekly coaching sessions via Zoom to ensure that you stay on track to reset your nervous system, release your past, and step into the clarity of who God called you to be.

Group Coaching

This 12-month path includes a weekly Mastermind where I will teach the Awaken Your Heart Method in a LIVE Zoom. You will be able to ask questions about your journey with the group and have access to the weekly recordings. You will also have the option to purchase the whole program at once or in phases.

Enhanced Group Coaching

This 12-month path includes the same weekly LIVE Mastermind via Zoom that comes with Group Coaching. Additionally, you will get lifetime access to the Awaken Your Heart app, which houses all of my educational videos, prayers, activations, and dances. All graduates will also be invited to participate in Heart Song Publishing House's upcoming book, "Awaken Your Heart: Stories of Courageous Women Saying Yes!" You will have the option to purchase the whole program at once or in phases.

Individual Coaching

This path includes everything in the Enhanced Group Coaching so you will not miss out on the opportunity to make new friends in our Awaken Your Heart Community. In addition, we will have weekly individualized coaching sessions via Zoom to ensure that you stay on track to reset your nervous system, release your past, and step into the clarity of who God has called you to be.

What Clients Are Saying*

"My heart is more alive, my mind is more alive, and my body is more alive. I have a peace that surpasses understanding that I'm called to be a conduit for His glory, love, peace, and joy."


"I'm no longer plagued in the night by my childhood trauma. I have prayed for years that I would be able to fall asleep and stay asleep. Within the first two weeks of this program, I was doing both!"


"This is the first time that I've ever felt safe and secure. It's like my whole world has opened up. I'm finally seeing and hearing things that were in front of me the whole time."


*Due to the nature of my work, I do not reveal the names of my clients to protect their privacy.

Contact Me

(864) 551-1820


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